5 apps to help you manage your household - News Outright

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Sunday 14 January 2018

5 apps to help you manage your household

5 apps to help you manage your household

There are a number of things that you need to do in order to manage your house. This includes grocery shopping, taking care of various expenses, buying new things and discarding the old ones, and so much more. While there are a lucky few who can literally hire other people to do this for them, not all of us have that privilege. However, we can install certain apps that can make our task easier. Here, we have listed down a few such apps that will help:

1. Our Groceries : This app is a must have for grocery shopping. Download it on everybody's phone at home and then create a grocery list. Any change that is made by any member to the list will be synced on across devices. So, if you happen to go to the store and buy cheese, just cross it off on the app instead oftelling everyone separately .

2. Walnut

This is a money manager that we really like. It analyzes your messages before starting up and makes an expense log on its own. This includes debits from your bank account, payments for cabs or any other expenses for which you have received messages. You can even add expenses manually to and put it a category like entertainment, groceries, health, investment, etc. The app also reminds you about pending bills and lets you transfer and receive money. You would know exactly how you have spent your money and will help you save better. And if you tend to overspend, then this app will be particularly handy.

3. Todoist

If you have a problem remembering what all you need to do, and find yourself relying on stick-its, then this is the app for you. You can add all the important tasks that you have to do and sync it across all platforms, so that each of your devices can remind you to do a particular task. You can easily rely on this organizer as it lets you plan for 7 days in advance. Users can also file tasks under different 'Projects' like personal, shopping, work, errands, etc. While a lot of people use it for work, we feel that Todoist can prove to useful at home too.

4. Evernote

Chances are that you know about this already. The service lets you take notes, pictures, audios and videos that get synced across all devices. You can organize, edit and share your content on Evernote. Use the app for saving recipes, pictures of furniture that you may want to buy, and various audio recordings.

5. Cozi Family Organizer: You don't have to rely on the calendar hanging in your home if you have this app. You don't even have to tell everyone in your family separately what you are doing on a particular day. Just download this app, add everyone in your family to it, and update your schedule there for everyone to see. Likewise, when they update their schedules, you would be able to see too. It makes it a lot easier to coordinate with one another. You can also integrate it with your GoogleApple iCal, or Outlook calendar into Cozi.

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